So You Think You Can Be President?

So You Think You Can Be President? is a re-imagined reality television show where candidates compete for American votes!

Presidential hopefuls must present their positions on major issues in front of a live studio audience then face hard-hitting critiques from our panel of judges. Viewers at home will delight in the spectacle as candidates are challenged in ways never before seen in mainstream media.

In this week’s episode, only two weeks before the election, Senator Obama and Senator McCain have their feet held to the fire over shockingly similar positions on energy and foreign policy.

Who will be this season’s champion and take home the grand prize? You’ll have to watch and decide for yourself, then participate in the show by casting a vote* for your favorite performer on November 4th!

*Some restrictions may apply. In certain areas these include, but are not limited to, faulty electronic voting systems, racist voter laws and/or voter roll purges. See your local polling place for details.

Read my post on why I made this remix

This transformative remix work constitutes a fair-use of any copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US copyright law. “So You Think You Can Be President?” by Jonathan McIntosh is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-3.0 License – permitting non-commercial sharing with attribution.


So You Think You Can Dance  – Season 3 & 4
2008 US Presidential Debates 1, 2 & 3  – PBS, BBC, PBS
Road to the White House  – MSNBC
“The Politics of Dancing”  by Re-Flex


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